About Us
Bump2Baby Birthing Classes was created to help expecting families on the Mornington Peninsula access Fun, Relaxed and Informative childbirth classes outside of the hospital setting.
As a local Midwife, Childbirth Educator and most importantly a mum of three amazing children I know the importance of preparing for your new baby's arrival and the impact it can have on the birth of your baby - physically, mentally & emotionally.
My goal is to EMPOWER you, your partner & labour support team so you can make informed choices about your pregnancy and birthing options.
I believe women do not have to be taught how to give birth, because we know women's bodies are designed to birth babies. Yet I still believe my classes are important...VITAL even. This is because all pregnancies and births involve CHOICE. You have the choice around care providers, place of birth, testing in pregnancy, interventions in birth, types of births, methods of feeding your baby, postnatal care and early parenting care choices.
My classes were designed to cover ALL you need to know from late pregnancy, labour & birth through to birth outcomes, breastfeeding and caring for your new baby. I have experience in both the private and public hospital systems as well as working in a Birth Centre so I am able to use my professional knowledge to deliver realistic, fun and informative classes.
I use a wide range of learning tools including practical components for each class, visual presentations and fun class interaction.
I also keep my classes sizes are small so I am able to keep them more personalised, spend time awnsering any questions you may have and hope you leave feeling well prepared for your babies arrival.
I look forward to meeting you in your preparation to parenthood,
Owner/Class Conductor
Endorsed Midwife
Childbirth Educator
Placenta Encapsulation Provider
Registered Nurse